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Why Do Gamers Hate NFTs So Much?

By Jinia10/03/2023


In recent years, the rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has taken the digital world by storm, revolutionizing how we perceive and trade digital assets. 

However, a significant portion of the gaming community has expressed strong disdain towards this emerging trend. 

So, why do gamers hate NFTs? There are several factors contributing to this hatred. 

Firstly, the lack of accessibility and exclusivity surrounding NFTs has created a barrier between gamers and valuable in-game items, leaving many feeling left out. Additionally, concerns about the additional costs that come with NFT microtransactions and the transparency issues associated with NFT investments that often turn out to be scams.

These potential exploitative practices disrupt the status quo of gaming communities and economies, thus raising ethical and moral concerns. 

Lack of Accessibility and Exclusivity

Gamers can’t stand NFTs because they’re all about limiting access and creating exclusivity. One of the main reasons why gamers despise NFTs is the lack of accessibility. 

NFTs are typically sold at high prices, making them unaffordable for many gamers. This creates a barrier to entry, preventing a significant portion of the gaming community from playing the games they want.

Moreover, NFTs often prioritize exclusivity, favouring those who can afford to purchase rare and valuable items. This elitist nature goes against the inclusive and community-driven spirit of gaming. 

Gamers value the ability to enjoy games based on skill and dedication rather than financial capability. NFTs, with their emphasis on ownership and scarcity, disrupt the level playing field that gamers cherish, causing frustration and resentment among the gaming community.


Gamers have expressed a strong aversion to NFTs in the gaming industry, as evidenced by the passionate discussions on social media. This sentiment is rooted in a longstanding struggle between gamers and developers over how games should be monetized. Gamers prefer a one-time, affordable purchase that allows them to enjoy a game indefinitely, while developers often seek innovative ways to maximize profits. 

However, the various monetization schemes that have emerged, such as premium downloadable content, subscriptions, microtransactions, and randomized loot boxes, have typically failed to enhance the gaming experience and instead tend to increase the overall cost for players. 

Players revolted when game giant Ubisoft announced plans to incorporate NFTs into its Ghost Recon Breakpoint franchise. Although initially, these NFTs were described as collectable cosmetic items, like digital hats or jackets, gamers feared that Ubisoft might eventually limit access to certain game features based on NFT ownership. 

This concern adds to the growing disillusionment with gaming monetization models, making NFTs just another potential addition to the already unpopular microtransaction landscape.

Environmental Concerns 

Concerns about cryptocurrencies’ environmental impact and carbon footprint have been an ongoing problem.

Bitcoin, for example, relies on a proof-of-work consensus algorithm that requires miners to solve complex mathematical problems using powerful computers. 

While most NFTs are built on Ethereum’s network, which recently moved to a PoS network, concerns about the viability of NFTs on the blockchain still remain a hot topic, especially among NFT and crypto detractors. 

It is estimated that the Bitcoin network’s energy consumption is comparable to that of some small countries. This has raised concerns about the sustainability of cryptocurrencies and, by extension, NFTs. 

Potential for Exploitative Practices

The potential for exploitative practices in the NFT market has also raised ethical questions and sparked a need for greater transparency and accountability. 

One concern is the possibility of gamers being taken advantage of by unscrupulous individuals or organizations. Some artists have shared stories of their work being plagiarized, minted as NFTs without their permission, and sold for profit without any compensation. 

This lack of control over their own creations can be deeply distressing for artists who rely on their work for their livelihood. 

For gamers, buying expensive in-game NFTs only to find out that they have been scammed or that the NFTs they purchased are of no value can be both financially and emotionally devastating. The decentralized nature of the NFT market makes it difficult for regulators to intervene and protect consumers from fraudulent practices.

Additionally, the high prices and exclusivity associated with certain NFTs can create an environment that favours wealthy collectors and investors, further marginalizing smaller gammers. 


Some potential solutions to address the lack of accessibility and exclusivity associated with NFTs in the gaming industry include implementing more inclusive distribution methods, creating fractional ownership opportunities, and ensuring fair pricing structures for all gamers.

With multiple scams already plaguing the NFT market, gamers are concerned that these exploitative practices might come to the gaming landscape where  NFTs are included in pay-to-win mechanics within the game, and gamers are subjected to predatory pricing. 

However, it’s worth noting that the gaming community’s resounding backlash against NFTs has had a significant impact on the industry. Many game developers who initially announced intentions to integrate NFTs into their gaming platforms have since reconsidered their strategies. This shift is primarily due to the vocal resistance from gamers who despise the NFT concept.


In conclusion, gamers’ concerns regarding NFTs are indeed valid, as they stem from legitimate worries about the potential drawbacks associated with these digital assets. Issues related to accessibility, exclusivity, the potential for exploitative practices, and their potential to disrupt the gaming community and economy all contribute to a negative perception of NFTs in the gaming world.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge that NFTs also represent a revolutionary tool with the potential to reshape the gaming industry. By allowing players to own unique and collectable in-game items, NFTs introduce a novel dimension of player engagement and value. While gamers rightfully demand fair pricing, inclusivity, and a gaming experience free from predatory practices, NFTs may still play a significant role in the future of gaming.

Ultimately, striking the right balance between these revolutionary assets and the concerns of the gaming community will be the key to harnessing the full potential of NFTs in gaming. As the industry continues to evolve and adapt, it is clear that NFTs are here to stay, and their integration into gaming experiences will be a pivotal point of discussion and refinement in the years to come.

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Video Games


Jinia is a fintech writer focused on the cryptocurrency market and passionate about blockchain technology. With years of experience, she contributes to some of the most renowned crypto publications such as Cointelegraph, Coinmarketcap and others. She also has experience writing about the iGaming industry.

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