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Why is it So Hard to Keep Crypto Safe?

By Jinia08/01/2023


While cryptocurrencies have captured the world’s attention over the past few years, revolutionizing finance while being at the centre of controversy, their sophisticated nature makes them hard to understand.

Granted, cryptocurrencies are designed for enhanced privacy and increased freedom when it comes to managing your money. However, since the entire industry is built on the principles of decentralization, keeping your cryptocurrencies safe and secure can be an entirely new realm of challenges. 

In this article, we will delve deeper into the complexities of securing cryptocurrencies and shed light on the various obstacles individuals face in effectively protecting their digital assets. 

We will also look at solutions that will help you keep your crypto safe.

Cryptocurrencies Are Sophisticated

So why is crypto hard to secure? Well, one of the main reasons that make crypto hard to secure properly is its sophisticated nature. Cryptocurrencies operate on complex cryptographic algorithms and utilize technologies such as blockchain to ensure transparency and immutability. 

However, these technological advancements come with a steep learning curve, requiring individuals to familiarize themselves with new terminologies, cryptographic keys, and wallet management techniques. 

This lack of understanding can inadvertently expose users to potential security risks.

Cryptocurrencies Are Mostly Decentralized.

Additionally, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies, while offering advantages like financial autonomy and resistance to censorship, also introduces significant security challenges. In traditional financial systems, users rely on trusted intermediaries, such as banks or payment processors, to handle security measures on their behalf. 

However, in the cryptocurrency world, you are solely responsible for safeguarding the funds in your wallet unless you are using an exchange wallet. This responsibility entails managing private keys securely, choosing reliable wallets, and remaining vigilant against evolving threats.

Private key management stands as a critical aspect of securing cryptocurrencies. 

To the uninitiated, a private key is a long string of alphanumeric characters that provides access to the funds stored in a particular cryptocurrency wallet. If a private key is lost, stolen, or compromised, it can result in irreversible loss of funds. 

Unfortunately, many individuals fail to grasp the significance of properly storing and protecting their private keys, making them vulnerable to attacks or accidental loss.

Irreversible Transactions

Since cryptocurrencies are mostly decentralized, transactions are typically irreversible. For instance, once a Bitcoin transaction is confirmed and added to the blockchain, it becomes virtually impossible to reverse or alter it. This feature, known as immutability, is a fundamental aspect of cryptocurrencies that ensures the integrity and trustworthiness of the transaction history. However, it also introduces unique challenges when it comes to dispute resolution or recovery of lost funds.

In traditional financial systems, reversible transactions are often facilitated through intermediaries, such as banks or payment processors, which can intervene in case of fraudulent activity or errors. Chargebacks or transaction reversals are common methods used to resolve disputes and provide consumer protection. However, in the world of cryptocurrencies, the absence of a central authority or intermediary means that there is no mechanism to reverse transactions or retrieve funds easily.

Once a cryptocurrency transaction is initiated, it undergoes a verification process, typically through consensus algorithms like Proof of Work or Proof of Stake, to ensure its validity and inclusion in the blockchain. This decentralized validation ensures that the transaction is reliable and secure, but it also means that the transaction is final and cannot be altered without significant computational power or consensus from the network participants.

Cryptocurrencies Are Targeted by Hackers.

As is the case with any emerging technology, hackers often target cryptocurrencies due to the potential for financial gains and the evolving vulnerabilities within the ecosystem. Since the advent of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies have become attractive targets for hackers due to their digital nature. 

Hackers take advantage of the lack of knowledge among most newcomers to the crypto space  through the use of common attacks such as:

Phishing Attacks: 

Phishing is a technique where hackers use fraudulent emails, websites, or messages to trick you into revealing your login credentials or private keys. They may create fake cryptocurrency exchange websites or send deceptive emails posing as legitimate organizations aiming to steal sensitive information.


Hackers use malware, such as keyloggers or remote access tools, to gain unauthorized access to a user’s computer or mobile device. Once compromised, the hackers can monitor keystrokes, capture wallet data, or control the device to initiate unauthorized transactions or steal private keys.

Hacking Exchanges: 

Centralized crypto exchanges store a significant amount of user funds, making them prime targets for hackers. Breaching the security of a crypto exchange allows hackers to gain access to users’ funds stored on the platform. That is why it is recommended that you never leave a significant amount of crypto assets on a centralized exchange.

Social Engineering: 

Social engineering involves manipulating individuals through psychological tactics to obtain sensitive information. Hackers may impersonate trusted individuals, customer support representatives, or cryptocurrency project members to deceive users into revealing their private keys or login credentials.


Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of a person’s computer or device to mine cryptocurrencies without their consent. Hackers infect devices with mining malware, consuming computing resources and draining the victim’s power and internet bandwidth.

Ponzi Schemes and Scams: 

The cryptocurrency space has seen its fair share of Ponzi schemes and fraudulent investment opportunities. Hackers may create fake investment schemes promising high returns or launch Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) with no intention of delivering the promised products or services.

Smart Contract Exploits: 

Smart contracts, self-executing contracts built on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, are susceptible to vulnerabilities. Hackers can identify flaws in smart contract code to exploit and siphon funds from decentralized applications (dApps) or decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

Insider Attacks: 

Insider attacks involve individuals with authorized access to sensitive information or systems exploiting their privileges for personal gain. This could occur within cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, or other centralized entities involved in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Conclusion: Hardware Provide a Huge Security Upgrade

Securing cryptocurrencies in a decentralized and digital environment is a challenging task. The irreversible nature of transactions, the complexity of cryptographic concepts, and the ever-evolving tactics of hackers demand proactive and vigilant efforts from users. 

However, practical solutions exist, such as using a hardware wallet, proper private key management and remaining vigilant against phishing attacks. If you are an avid user of cryptocurrencies, beware of unsolicited requests for sensitive information and always verify the authenticity of the websites, exchanges and applications you use. 

Also, regularly updating your wallet software and installing an antivirus program for protection against emerging threats is crucial towards properly securing your crypto.

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Jinia is a fintech writer focused on the cryptocurrency market and passionate about blockchain technology. With years of experience, she contributes to some of the most renowned crypto publications such as Cointelegraph, Coinmarketcap and others. She also has experience writing about the iGaming industry.

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